Ovko - baby food
Case study

We care about children's opinion

© 2021
Ovko - multiple devices visualisation
Line of business
Baby food
Web design & development
In cooperation with

Ovko is one of the most popular brand of baby food in Slovakia. I created their new website as a part of their rebrand in 2021.

There were a couple of objectives to be fulfilled with this website.

Old website was pretty noisy with a lot of unnecessary information, that were added to it throughout the years. I simplified the structure with the focus on keeping the most important information for the visitors upfront.

Less important information was pushed deeper.

Ovko - new, simplified & easier to digest, structure of the website.

New, simplified & easier to digest structure of the website.

Color scheme

Color palette of the website came out of the new brand color palette provided by the client.

It contains many playful tones that work well with the topic - baby food. In the design of website, I used this playfulness to support & enhance their topic, while keeping it simple, avoiding too noisy &over-combined designs.

Yellow green
Hunter green
Pure white
School bus yellow
Jordy Blue
Persian red
Web design & development

After couple of iterations of the home page design, visual language for the website was settled and developed into full website design.

Together with colors it uses nice fruit & vegetables illustrations that are part of the new branding.

Later, design was translated into a code and connected with CMS that allowed the company to manage its content & keep it always fresh.

Ovko - evolution of home page design

Evolution of home page design

Next project
The Pilates by Mia
Pilates by MIA

Have an idea?
Let's put it on the web!

Hand holding green ball as a symbol of catching your new website