Čačko - digital signage systems
Case study

Digital signage systems for public transport

Čačko, s.r.o.
© 2024
Line of business
Digital signage systems
Web design & development

Čačko is a small Slovak company in the field of digital signage systems.

They cover everything connected with digital signage. From procurement, through supply, assembly & service including outdoors or indoors.

I prepared a stylish microsite to present all the important information about their company and a showcase of their most important projects like providing smart bus stops for Bratislava city – the capital of Slovakia.

Visual identity

As the company didn't have previous visual identity, we created one during the process of designing website.

It consists of complementary blue-green & yellow tones. It's the color scheme that also works well with the type of photographs suitable for the topic of digital signage. Custom-made illustration & icons are also part of it.

Dark midnight green
Midnight green
Alice Blue
Pure white

Website is also packed with scroll & non-scroll animations to improve user engagement.

Its goal is to improve user's engagement and make the website more memorable and the delivery of its message more effective.

Scroll animations on the landing page.
Next project
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HB Reavis - Offices well done

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Hand holding green ball as a symbol of catching your new website